Top Destinations


London is a bustling metropolis in the heart of Great Britain. The city boasts a vibrant nightlife, a diverse theater scene, and some of the most exceptional restaurants in Europe. If you’re interested in a little bit of culture, you can immerse yourself in some of the best museums in the world – most of them free! While London is every bit a modern city, there are stark reminders of its history all around. You can visit the famed Tower of London to see where King Henry VIII kept and executed not one, but two of his wives, and not far from the Tower is Shakespeare’s renowned Globe Theater.

London has so much to offer to every kind of traveler. Whether you crave the action of a modern city or enjoy a leisurely stroll through history, Britain’s capital has it all!


There’s a reason Paris is called The City of Love. It’s hard not to feel romantic when strolling along immaculate streets at dusk with a glittering Eiffel Tower in the distance. If fine art and dining is your thing, Paris is the place to be! Visit the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, then stop by a boulangerie for a delicious, fresh croissant. The streets are lined with cafes full of Parisians sitting outside, enjoying a coffee or glass of wine, and people watching, so do as the locals do and pull up a chair! The Paris Metro is some of the best public transportation in the world; take a train for a day trip to see the famed Palace at Versailles, or head out to enjoy some time at Disneyland Paris!

Paris is a gorgeous city full of energy and excitement. The casual elegance of this city is not to be missed!


If you delight in experiencing history brought to life, Rome is the perfect city for you. There aren’t many places left in the world where you can stumble upon ancient ruins while heading to the nearest Metro station. A visit to the ancient Colosseum to view where the gladiators fought for roaring crowds is an experience to check off your bucket list! While immersing yourself in history, you can visit the Forum and stand where Julius Ceasar is said to have died. While in Rome, you can visit the Vatican to gaze upon the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel. You can fill weeks with visiting ancient sites, famous fountains, and breathtaking cathedrals in Rome.

Find out why they call Rome The Eternal City. You’ll have every opportunity to see why Rome was considered the capital of the world for centuries!

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